Ford is no stranger to being at the forefront when it comes to automotive technology. Since the Model T days, the iconic brand has always been associated with innovation in the automotive industry. The autonomous driving car has quickly become the next frontier for all manufacturers. The ‘Blue Oval,’ is not surprising to be the first to try to take a lead over the competition.
Ford’s LIDAR is another example of Ford’s commitment to staying ahead of the competition. Lidar is an acronym for light detection and range. It is a way to map an object or environment using a lightweight scanner. Laser beams illuminate the surrounding area, and then the vehicle navigates around obstacles using the readouts.
Ford cars were built on the foundation of innovation. The manufacturer has recently taken one of the Focus models it uses in its research for autonomous vehicles to the testing grounds of Arizona, USA. Ford believes autonomous cars are superior to humans when it comes to night driving and deteriorating lighting conditions. Critics have long argued that autonomous cars are still inferior to humans in terms of processing and experience. Ford’s tests in low-light conditions have shown that self-driving cars are a better option.
Ford’s Lidar Technology helped the Focus test car navigate around the track even in complete darkness, a situation where a driver would struggle to find his way. This was achieved without using camera-sensing markings or sunlight. This feat was achieved by using a system that employed 2.8 million laser pulses per sec, along with specially designed high-resolution maps.
The manufacturer admits that the system is still in its early stages and that there is a lot to do before it becomes mainstream. The promise it holds is too great to ignore. Ford’s Lidar will transform autonomous driving technology, just as the first radar-based cruise controls did.